How To Credit Photos On Instagram

March 22, 2018

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How to share photos on instagram correctly | copyright laws | copyright infringement | giving photography credit on instagram | social sharing | social warfare

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How To Share Photos on Instagram While Giving Proper Photo Credit | Texas Wedding Photographer

This is a topic that seems to confuse a lot of Instagram users. I’ve seen many different forms of photographer “credit” given in photos, and, unfortunately, it’s not always correctly given.

I’m not here to call people out, but I want other peeps in the wedding business to understand why and how to give photo credit so they can be team players(and not get billed or sued by a photographer).

Using a Photographer’s photo without permission is copyright infringement. Sharing a photographer’s photo on Instagram without their permission is copyright infringement.

Some of this may seem a little ridiculous, but this is serious business. If images are used incorrectly the photographer can take legal action (that sounds dramatic, but it’s true) and/or charge for their images to be used.

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Related Post: “Free Instagram Story Quiz Templates”


Here is exactly how to give photo credit:


1.First things first! make sure it’s okay that you share the photographer’s image.

Bigger Instagram accounts will ask something like “is it okay if we share this image with our followers? If yes say #___________”

As shown here:how to give photo credit on instagram

Unless you are a bride or groom and have consent to share your photos on social media, you do not have automatic permission to share any photographer’s image without their consent. I personally encourage people to share my image as long as they give proper photo credit, and this is true for a lot of photographers.


Pro tip: NEVER EVER EVER USE A FILTER and don’t edit the photo to your “taste.”



2. Tag the photographer in the photo

This isn’t AS important as the next step, but it’s a great way to network because your image will be on their tagged photos which could drive more traffic to your business.

how to give photo credit on instagram gifmaker (6)



3. Mention the photographer in your caption (see below)

A lot of people will tag the photographer in the photo, but they don’t mention them in their caption. The average bear using Instagram doesn’t take the time to tap on an image to see vendor credits, so this step is crucial.


how to give photo credit on instagram




(Scroll down for another option)


Sharing images the correct way is not only lawful, but it makes your photographers love you even more and creates a sense of community

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Here’s the wrong way to credit a photographer:


  1. Tagging them in the photo, but Just using a hashtag (ie #allisonjeffersphotography) in your caption.

how to give photo credit on instagram

If the photographer has an Instagram account(most do) don’t just put their name in a hashtag. Tag them with the “@“ and link to their profile! (Like this! ⬇)

how to give photo credit on instagram


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2. Tagging them in your insta story and making their name hidden or so tiny you can’t read it. I hope I don’t have to explain this one. Can you even see where the photographer is credited on this bouquet photo below? Brownie points if you can find it.


 how to give photo credit on instagram how to give photo credit on instagram


The correct Way to credit a photo in your insta story. It’s not covered by the “send message” bar or their name in the top left corner:

how to give photo credit on instagram


3. Using a million periods to hide the photo credit. Like this:

“Image caption here”






Image by @allisonjeffersphotography


4. Only tagging the photographer in your photo and not mentioning them in your caption. The average person does not tap an image to see vendor credit.

how to credit photos on instagram

I don’t believe miscrediting (or not crediting at all) is intentional, but I do believe those who miscredit photographers need to be educated on how to properly give photo credit, so if you have friends who need a little guidance, share this with them!

Related Post: “How To Share Your Instagram Post to Your Instagram Story” gifmaker (13)

**Edited to add**

Tagging other vendors is very important as well. There are no legal consequences if you leave out a vendor(unless they have their own contract that includes that); however, mentioning them not only makes them appreciate you more, but credits the work and effort they put in, too!

*** One of my FAVORITE way to see my photos shared is through a reposting app! I have this one and love it. IMG 5666 1.Click the “share” arrow under the photo and then select “Share”IMG 5667 2. Tap “copy link” toward the bottom.IMG 5670 3. Open up your Repost App! It should already be up at the top for you to customize. WEDDING 1 4. Customize your post by moving the photo credit anywhere that’s not interfering with the photo. IMG 5672


Let’s be friends! 

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xoxo, Allison

 Allison Jeffers is a photographer and educator serving sweet couples and helping other creative entrepreneurs reach their goals. She specializes in wedding photography, elopements, and proposals as well as Bridal and Engagement portraits in Texas. She is available for travel worldwide and has her passport ready!

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